Mesotherapy for hair loss

Hair loss beyond the usual amount of approximately 100 hairs per day does not always have to create a cause for concern. Hair loss of up to 100 hairs per day is normal and no cause for concern at all. If the hair falls out in larger quantities or in bundles, that is considered hair loss and you should aim to get to the root cause of the problem and advise a treatment plan. However, it should also be noted that the natural rhythm of hair growth changes and switches between phases of growth and rest. The natural failure phase is often confused with hair loss but regulates itself on its own and requires no treatment.

Identifying the causes
of hair loss and treating it
with the help of Mesohair

Types Of Hair Loss

There are several types of hair loss that are either hormonal, hereditary, circular, autoimmune, or diffuse.

In these cases, a treatment at Medisthetik could help and our aim is towards normalizing hair growth and reduce hair loss.

Treating diffuse hair loss effectively

Before we begin hairloss treatments, we will look into the possible root cause as to what could be causing your hair loss. The most common reason for hair loss include:
Depending on the root cause of the hair loss, treatment of symptoms and underlying diseases are recommended. Hormone therapies are tailored to your needs and diet-related intervention my be advised. Mesotherapy has proven to be practically helpful to improve blood circulation and improve hair growth stimulation while strengthening the hair roots. Once the blood circulation is stimulated, the hair can regenerate and starts to grow back again.

Hereditary Hair Loss

Hereditary hair loss is the most common form of hair loss, affecting 95% of both men and women.

The cause is often excessive testosterone production, a male sex hormone, which is usually responsible for the formation of a receding hairline. Not the amount of testosterone production, but the hereditary sensitivity of the hair root to testosterone plays a primary role.

Women also produce testosterone, although hereditary hair loss with receding hairline rarely occurs. Generally, the hair becomes thinner and, after some time, reveals a visible scalp on the top of the head.

In your Medisthetik – Aesthetic Medicine Practice, we can try different therapies and act against the hair loss. Medications containing estradiol in women, or Medications with Finastrid in men prevent the conversion of the hormone into its active form.

Minoxidil also achieves this effect, but the final mechanism in this substance is not fully understood. According to the latest findings, it stimulates the blood circulation and thus hair growth.

The same thing is achieved by the hormone melatonin, which is applied externally as a tincture and used to promote circulation of the scalp.

Autoimmune diseases
of the hair root

Hair root inflammation and various autoimmune processes can be a cause of hair loss that should not be underestimated. Even though these are rare diseases, folliculitis decalvans and other autoimmune disorders require tailor-made treatments. Here, a regeneration of the hair root is brought about by an internal and external therapy that works against the inflammation. After an in-depth investigation, treatment plan consisting of allopathic and natural remedies will be put together and combined with mesotherapy consisting of a mix of vitamins, minerals and amino acids, stem cells and hormones to promote blood flow and fight against hair root inflammation.

Circular hair loss in focus
What can Mesohair do about it?

The second most common type of hair loss is considered to be circular hair loss (alopecia areata). This affects not only the hair of the head, but also affects the eyebrows and the beard.

The name is the circular arrangement of the visible hair loss sites, which are usually associated with a disorder of the autoimmune process or mental stress. A complete stoppage of hair growth can last for up to a year or be permanent and thus lead to balding.

As an alternative to radiotherapy or hair tinctures with cortisone, we offer you mesotherapy with microinjections of circulation-enhancing vitamins and immunomodulating substances in combination with a metabolic examination and comprehensive treatment of the cause.

Let us advise you in our Medisthetik – Aesthetic Medicine practice and work together to find a way to stop the hair loss and to stimulate the growth of your hair.

How mesotherapy works on hair loss

Mesotherapy in our Practice is a regulating therapy, which consists of the components of neural therapy, orthomolecular therapy and acupuncture. At the present time, it is the only effective way to stimulate hair growth from the depths and fight hair loss. At the same time, mesotherapy stops the formation of dandruff and over-scaling of the scalp. For each cause and diagnosis, an individual cocktail of plant extracts and homeopathic medicines, vitamins and allopathic medical ingredients are combined and injected under the scalp with a syringe shotgun. These are so-called micro-doses, which pass painlessly when introduced into the bloodstream and do not pollute the organism. The mixture works where it is injected into the skin.

Visible success in mesotherapy hair loss treatment

Various studies have been carried out for mesotherapy. The results prove that more than 80% of all treatments reduce hair loss and the encourage of new hair growth. After the third treatment, a light fluff on the formerly bald head spot becomes visible and after two to three months you will see healthy, full-grown hair.

Treatment Options:


The treatment consists of the components of neural therapy, orthomolecular therapy and acupuncture This combination is an effective way to stimulate hair growth from the depths and fight hair loss. At the same time, mesohair stops the formation of dandruff and over-scaling of the scalp. For each cause and diagnosis, an individual cocktail of plant extracts and homeopathic medicines, vitamins and allopathic medical ingredients are combined and injected under the scalp with a syringe shotgun.

Call Us

If you suffer from hair loss and are looking for an effective therapy, make an appointment in our Medisthetik – Aesthetic Medicine practice for a complementary Mesohair consultation.

Initially, you will receive appointments for six to eight sessions at weekly intervals. After the initial acute treatment phase, the treatment plan will be re-evaluated and the requirements but be adjusted accordingly to your needs usually in intervals of 4-6 weeks and then every 3 months.

We would like to invite you to contact us using one of the methods below, where one of our friendly and professional team will be pleased to book you in for a complementary consultation or to answer any questions you may have. 

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