Wrinkles around the eyes

Nature has provided us an excess of skin around the eyes to create eyelids, which covers and protects the eyeball when the eyes are closed. The lower eyelid is the area of the eye where the first signs of aging leaves visible traces. The elasticity of the lower eyelid is influenced by various factors and decreases with age and the deterioration of skin quality. Facial expressions, as well as environmental effects, also influence the elastic properties of the skin. The best method in the treatment of eye wrinkles is one that revitalizes the skin and increases its elastic properties.

Treatment Methods:


The treatment plans consist of a cocktail with peptides, vitamins and minerals as a superficial measure for skin rejuvenation.

The very fine and low-viscosity vitamin cocktail is selectively introduced into skin where the treatment is needed and wanted


HIFU stimulates the collagen production by sending ultrasound energy to the different skin layers.

During the healing process new collagen fibers increase, thus making the skin look younger and fresher on a natural basis. After just one treatment the skin will already show an improvement and the results will continue to improve over time as new collagen is generated.

In certain cases, the treatment can be repeated after 4-8 weeks and the results should last up to 12 to 18 months.


Microneedling helps to naturally restore damaged skin due to it helping to trigger cell repair and collagen production.

Microneedling is minimally invasive and thanks to an anesthetic cream, painless. The results of microneedling speak for themselves

Fractional Laser

This treatment works by targeting both the epidermis (uppermost skin layer) and dermis(mid-skin-layer).

Old or damaged skin cells are removed allowing new skin cell to be produced, leaving the area around the eyes visibly tighter and younger looking.

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